**Update as of 1/13/2011: The Groupon is closed and it was a BIG success! You helped us raise more than $1,500 for our curriculum. Thank you very, very much!
Today is Human Trafficking Awareness Day. You can help fight trafficking here in Chicago by giving to CAASE via Groupon today and tomorrow! Help us take this opportunity to raise funds for our high school curriculum for boys. Log on and give $12, and tell your friends:
The money raised via Groupon will help us teach young men how they can fight sexual exploitation. Our teachers use the CAASE curriculum, the first of its kind in the coutnry, to teach boys the realities of prostitution and human trafficking and empower them to end it in their own communities.
Your $12 gift via Groupon helps us to expand our classes so we can reach more young men, like those at the Cook County Juvenile Detention Center.
Our goal is to reach some of the most vulnerable members of society who could become the next generation of leaders in the fight against sexual exploitation.
To give via Groupon, click here.